Sunday, January 31, 2010

Moving On

My name is Tracey and I'm on Coangaaaaaaa

Ok, just kidding. My name is really Lauren and I'm in Nashville but a little piece of advice to all...your push up bra CAN help you get your man.

Now, to get down to business. Yes, I am originally from West Virginia and yes, I have all my teeth, and no, I don't have a relationship with my brother other than the fact he is my sibling. However, I would like to take this time to thank all those West Virginians who give us a bad name. Especially the wonderful couple about to pop out twins on the new season of 16 and preggo on MTV. You set such a great example of us for the rest of the world to see. And everyone wonders why I moved? That should explain itself.

I also looooooooove how I get labeled "West Virginia" whenever someone asks me where I'm from at the bar. Like where I'm from should be any indication of who I am. Clearly I'm not obese and I don't have a child or an STD so STOP comparing me to the stereotype. My best friend Lori called me rude when we were at a bar one night because I got a teeny attitude with this guy. In my defense, he told me the story of how he knew the wild and wonderful state. Long story short, think about the movie "The Hills Have Eyes" and that should give you an indication of how the convo went. So me rude, yes..sorry Lori (okayyyyy???)

I am now happy to be a resident of the great state of rockytop (GO HOKIES!). Sorry, my VT tourettes flared up and I just had to rub in that bowl win again. But seriously, I love it here. There is always something to do and I'm not bound to my bedroom like I was with my old roommates in WV. My new roommate is wonderful and always has me laughing and she asks before she borrows my stuff or wants to eat some of my food (what a change a year makes!). My best friend Lori and I always have a party wherever we go, and I loooooooooove it! Everyone envies us and I have to say, if I was an outsider looking in I would envy me, too. We should seriously have our own reality show. Unfortunately with the snow this weekend we haven't been able to get out, but trust me this weekend we will make up for that.

So, I'm not that impressed with this first blog, but such is life. I'm sure I'll have much to write about tomorrow after seeing what everyone had to say about the Grammy's and since I have to return back to work after a glorious weekend off. Fair warning, I hate my job so be prepared for me to rant about it.

Peace and blessings...peace and blessings